Thursday, August 23, 2012

Stage Play: Ganti ng Kalikasan

Hello There :)

Last May 28,2012 Our Group Teatro Artistas Philippines held a show entitled "Ganti ng Kalikasan" and this was the day of the Grandlaunching of Partnership, yeaaah our group is getting bigger and stronger and and there was a surprised part for me in this event :)).... First we had our Doxology choreographed by Emmanuel.. 

soo here's the picture of it... (Doxology)
Next was the Dance number choreographed by yours truly :) Actually while we were dancing everyone was laughing and clapping their hands because of my theatermate Emilio he was in the middle... he dances so girlish that's why they were all laughing really hard

Here's my pic while ramping on stage.. This was the time that the members of our group are going to be seen by everyone that's why we needed to dressed up
After the Ramp we started the show... Sorry there's no pics...My role there was Kapitana.. It was very funny for me because I have to project my voice reaaaally loud. And there was this scene there that I'm dancing because of getting money  and I should act really insane :)) make it short  The show was beyooond amazing based on my bestfriend's opinion :)

Oyeaaah I almost forgot here's the moooost surprising scene in this event :) The Awarding Ceremony :)) At first I was reaaally nervous beacause our Director didn't tell us that we're going to have this awarding thingy. And so our Director called the winners.. Seriously I wasn't expecting this when I heard my name as The Best Actress of the group :) I was soooo surprised and I really cried infront of the audience...  (Nakakahiya) I was about to give my speech but what the hell I'm sooo speechless that time.. So there's my trophy and I'm really happy that I got one. This thing is one of my motivation in continuing in pursuing my dreams. I hope someday I get more of this :))) 


These are my theatermates with our Director Mr. Roman Ubaldo... I miss them soo much.. Hope to have another stage play with them..


Soo I'll end it here and hope to blog again sooooon :)
Thanky'all for spending your time reading my blog :))) >:D<

Frustrations :-\

As a dreamer of being a professional theater actress I do also have this frustrations in my life.... I was about to go to College and there this one University that I really liked. But UNFORTUNATELY I didn't passed their Entrance Exam.. I was about to lose hope when I saw the results BUT I still tried to audition in their talent test... Again, UNFORTUNATELY I didn't passed.. I really cried and wanna lose hope that time because before the Auditions I really worked hard and kicked my butt of just to perfect everything.. but still i didn't caught the attention of the judges. I really don't know why :(.. At that time t'was very hard for me. I almost give up everything about acting. But I've come to realized that it's not the end. I still have a loooong time to pursue what I want. Maybe that University is not meant for me but even though I didn't passed in that School I will still continue in reaching my dreams... All of us face this kind of situation but I tell you DON'T EVER GIVE UP.. These are just trials for us.. Just have FAITH in yourself and DON'T GIVE UP IN REACHING YOUR DREAMS :)